Drinking Beer With Patsy Cline Up in Heaven
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Remembering Patsy: September 8, 1932 – March 5, 1963
Drinking Beer With Patsy Cline Up in Heaven
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Cave of The Storm Nymphs
On The Sea
by John Keats
It keeps eternal whisperings around
Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell
Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell
Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound.
Often 'tis in such gentle temper found,
That scarcely will the very smallest shell
Be moved for days from where it sometime fell.
When last the winds of Heaven were unbound.
Oh, ye! who have your eyeballs vexed and tired,
Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea;
Oh ye! whose ears are dinned with uproar rude,
Or fed too much with cloying melody---
Sit ye near some old Cavern's Mouth and brood,
Until ye start, as if the sea nymphs quired!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Stan Musial, 1920-2013
"Stan “The Man” Musial, one of major league baseball’s most prolific hitters and a model of good sportsmanship during his Hall of Fame career..."
Stan the Man deserves to be remembered as one of baseball's best.
Mr. Musial, I never had the pleasure of seeing you play but you were always an inspiration for your continued excellence, sportsmanship and unwavering decency. Sadly we shall not see your like again.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Selected Works by Eihei Dogen
Because the mind is free -
Listening to the rain
Dripping from the eaves,
The drops become
One with me.
In The Stream
In the stream,
Rushing past
To the dusty world,
My fleeting form
Casts no reflection.
Drifting pitifully in the whirlwind of birth and death,
As if wandering in a dream,
In the midst of illusion I awaken to the true path;
There is one more matter I must not neglect,
But I need not bother now,
As I listen to the sound of the evening rain
Falling on the roof of my temple retreat
In the deep grass of Fukakusa.
Coming or Going
The migrating bird
leaves no trace behind
and does not need a guide.
A white heron
Hiding itself
In the snowy field,
Where even the winter grass
Cannot be seen.
The moon reflected
In a mind clear
As still water:
Even the waves, breaking,
Are reflecting its light.
To what shall
I liken the world?
Moonlight, reflected
In dewdrops,
Shaken from a crane's bill.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Kenneth Rexroth: Your Birthday in the California Mountains
A broken moon on the cold water,
And wild geese crying high overhead,
The smoke of the campfire rises
Toward the geometry of heaven -
Points of light in the infinite blackness.
I watch across the narrow inlet
Your dark figure comes and goes before the fire.
A loon cries out on the night bound lake.
Then all the world is silent with the
Silence of autumn waiting for
The coming of winter. I enter
The ring of firelight, bringing to you
A string of trout for our dinner.
As we eat by the whispering lake,
I say, “Many years from now we will
Remember this night and talk of it.”
Many years have gone by since then, and
Many years again. I remember
That night as though it was last night,
But you have been dead for thirty years.
Thanks, Lumpy Pudding!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween Pin Ups
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The House Of Dust: Part 01: 03: One, where the pale sea foamed at the yellow sand - Conrad Aiken
With wave upon slowly shattering wave,
Turned to the city of towers as evening fell;
And slowly walked by the darkening road toward it;
And saw how the towers darkened against the sky;
And across the distance heard the toll of a bell.
Along the darkening road he hurried alone,
With his eyes cast down,
And thought how the streets were hoarse with a tide of people,
With clamor of voices, and numberless faces . . .
And it seemed to him, of a sudden, that he would drown
Here in the quiet of evening air,
These empty and voiceless places . . .
And he hurried towards the city, to enter there.
Along the darkening road, between tall trees
That made a sinister whisper, loudly he walked.
Behind him, sea-gulls dipped over long grey seas.
Before him, numberless lovers smiled and talked.
And death was observed with sudden cries,
And birth with laughter and pain.
And the trees grew taller and blacker against the skies
And night came down again.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Autumnal Equinox
Link to picture source
The earth dies a little each day, and we must embrace this slow descent into dark before we can truly appreciate the light that will return in a few months.
Celebrate the darkness.
Link to picture source
Monday, September 17, 2012
Unknown Beauty
I found it here and it put me in mind of the poem below.

She is sweet like my heart,
She is fragrant like my soul,
As sparkling as my eyes,
Tender and gentle
And lush like my sweet dreams;
As intense as my desires
She seizes my deep Self
In flames of pleasing pains,
In glows of unfulfilled desires
And I shudder within in poetic riots.
She is noble within like gold
And dazzles like diamond
In smooth black exterior;
She is all smiles like flowers,
All tender moods like full-moon
And inviting charm inside;
She rouses soul from deep slumber
To streaks of fresh light
That seeks to stream from far horizons;
New worlds open up
Where blend desires in mad dance
And hearts sing heart to heart.
Though unknown beauty,
I know her in every single fibre,
All inside and outside like my Self
As she indeed knows me;
I feel her entreaties from her eyes,
I hear her desires from her heart;
She speaks in silence and calls in shyness
And rouses sharp pangs of sweet desires.
She is an angel in her shyness,
She is an angel in her silence,
She is an angel in her desires
And an angel in her feminine softness
And liquid young fragrance
That visit my soul in joyous dreams;
She melts in my eyes
And streams to my heart
And seizes my soul,
She speaks from a pleasing halo
Where like a living sacred deity,
She spreads her charms deep to my Self.
She is calm in the eye of desires’ storm,
She is still while heart shouts for warmth;
Warmth calls warmth and desire meets desire
And we both meet in cool still distance.
The unknown beauty somehow attuned to my self,
I seek her and she me in unknown bond.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Evelyn De Morgan, 1855-1919
The De Morgan Foundation

Helen of Troy (1898)

Medea (1889)

Dryad (1884-5)

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012

In a statement his family said Armstrong had passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.
The family described him as a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, and also as "a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job."
Link to source quoted above

NASA Biography page
Thank you for being an inspiration, Mr. Armstrong - rest in peace.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
John Hoffman - Song of a Wanderer
Of sun and moon and star
Of earth and sea and air
And do not tell of them
Because I have no words
More about the author